Posts tagged movement
How's your Bone Health?

Some fun facts about bone health. Osteoporosis is something that can be silent until you have an insufficiency fracture. We all should be doing daily preventative habits to help support the skeletal system, before we are diagnosed with OP or have a fracture. The list is endless to help support bone building (exercise, diet and lifestyle all impact this system). If you are unsure of how you can best support this system book today to have a chat and get a plan going. Happy moving EMP.

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Exercise and Physical Activity - The Benefits.

We all know we should exercise but why? Here are some of the benefits to physical activity and exercise. Now, physical activity and exercise are not synonymous to one another despite these words may be used interchangeably when talking about movement. Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement that involves the contraction of skeletal muscles above that of resting energy expenditure. Whereas, exercise is classified as a ‘type’ of physical activity that is planned, structured and repetitive to improve or maintain components of physical fitness. Physical fitness is a set of attributes that can be achieved when performing physical activity such as cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility.

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